So now we're learning a little more about gods.  That is to say, what it means to be a god and what it means to fight one.  See, every world has its own definitions and standards for what a "god" is.  That is why I'm being very specific here, bothering to point out which version of each character I'm using.  The television version of Ares from the mid-90's is not the same as, say, the version of Ares from Marvel Comics, who is pretty much an idiot...except when it comes to combat...and he might as well be the antihero version of Thor for the way his powers seem to work, while Thor might as well be the Norse version of Superman.  So you can see and understand that there are, at least, stylistic differences between those two versions of Ares.
As we advance deeper into the tournament, you will discover that there are varying degrees of "omnipotence", including characters who seem omnipotent because they might as well be considering the people they're dealing with.  One way or another we'll learn to distinguish.  After all, when they fight each other, only one or the other can win!

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