Yibb-Tstll (no picture available)

An immobile, immortal and obscure god with tentacles, a pulpy, alien head with detatched eyes, immense bat-wings and innumerable breasts, from which countless Nightgaunts suck black milk.  Yibb-Tstll sits at the center of time watching the universe revolve.  Yibb-Tstll is said to be extremely wise--the only god said to be wiser is Yog-Sothoth.  Yibb-Tstll has vast, godlike magical abilities, and its blood is a weapon.  It is also a complex being, far beyond mortal comprehension and milennia old.  It is from another dimension, thus it is composed of something other than the matter with which we are familiar.  This causes it to be very difficult to affect or kill.  It is not subject to physical laws in quite the same ways that we are.  Its blood, The Black, is essentially a weapon which takes the form of black snowflakes that stick to and smother a victim.  It has defeated Ram-Man, Zombie Luke Cage and Chuck Norris.


Talia Josephine "T.J." Wagner is a mutant called Nocturne.  She has a retractable, prehensile tail and superhuman agility, balance, coordination and flexibility.  She can also possess people and fire energy bolts, and stick to walls in a way similar to Spider-Man.  She has only three fingers on each hand.  Nocturne has been a member of both the Exiles and New Excalibur.  She has defeated Chomp, Dreadknight and Sonam-Ha'ar..

Nocturne takes out a CTHULHIC GOD 5-4.  Thanks, people.
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